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About Meduza

Every day, we bring you the most important news and feature stories from hundreds of sources in Russia and across the former Soviet Union. Our team includes some of Russia’s top professionals in news and reporting. We value our independence and strive to be a reliable, trusted outlet for verified, unbiased information about Russia and the former Soviet Union, as well as a source for sharp insights about one of the world’s most enigmatic regions.

Meduza in English

Managing Editor

Kevin Rothrock

News Editor

Hilah Kohen



Galina Timchenko

Acting Chief Editor

Tatiana Ershova

Deputy Chief Editors

Alexander Polivanov

Dmitry Tomilov

Alexander Gorbachev


Andrey Kozenko

Special Correspondents

Taisia Bekbulatova

Konstantin Benyumov

Ivan Golunov

Daniil Turovsky

Ilya Zhegulev

Sasha Sulim

Irina Kravtsova

Photo Director

Valeriy Gorokhov

Photo Editors

Alexandra Gorokhova

Michael Stavtsev

Art Director

Anastasiya Yarovaya


Anastasiya Grigorieva

Technology Team

Boris Goryachev

Dmitry Zakharov

Anton Byrna

Nikita Komarkov

Andrey Skopintsev

Kirill Balyasnikov

Alexey Prilepskiy

Ilya Borisov

Sultan Suleimanov

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